Are you aware of this information about your beloved dog?

Dogs are said to have been domesticated at least 15,000 years ago during the Ice Age. However, it is still unknown where this occurred, and if it occurred in a single area or numerous locations at the same time.

Are you aware of this information about your beloved dog? | World-News,World-News-Today,Top-World-News- True Scoop
The genealogy of today's companion dogs may be traced back to at least two different populations of prehistoric wolves, according to newly published research.

A worldwide team of geneticists and archaeologists led by the Francis Crick Institute in London examined 72 ancient wolf genomes from Europe, Siberia, and North America, according to an article on Yahoo Finance on July 1.

Researchers want to shed light on "one of the largest unresolved problems" in human history—how dogs were domesticated—via this study.

Dogs are said to have been domesticated at least 15,000 years ago during the Ice Age. However, it is still unknown where this occurred, and if it occurred in a single area or numerous locations at the same time. –

A 32,000-year-old Siberian wolf's skull and an 18,000-year-old wolf youngster from Russia's Yakutia region were utilized in the study. The researchers also used previously unearthed ancient wolf bones.

The researchers discovered that early and current canines have a closer genetic affinity with ancient Asian wolves than they did with European wolves.

This suggests that domestication occurred in the east.

Additionally, the data implies that two distinct wolf populations have contributed to the DNA of dogs.

According to recent research, Sibera and Americans, two of Europe's first domesticated dogs, have an Asian ancestor.

Earlier, dogs from Asia and the Middle East are said to have spread to Africa, southern Europe, and the Middle East.

This dual ancestry has spawned two ideas.

One possible reason is that wolves were domesticated many times, resulting in a mixture of distinct populations.

Alternatively, it is possible that domestication occurred just once, and that these early dogs interbred with wild canines.

According to one of the study's authors, Anders Bergström, "Through this initiative, we have substantially expanded the number of sequenced ancient wolf genomes, enabling us to generate a thorough picture, especially around the time of dog beginnings, of the evolution of our closest relative, the bear."


To put the dog element into this picture, we discovered that dogs are descended from two unique, distinct, and distinct wolf populations—one from the east and one from the west.

It is believed by some experts that the ongoing search for a dog's near-old wolf progenitor might disclose definitively where domestication initially occurred.

