2022 Father's Day: 5 fun activities to do with your dad

If you don't have this Father's Day all planned out, don't worry.

Happy Fathers Day, Fathers Day special, Fathers Day activities, Fathers Day 2022, 2022 Fathers Day- True Scoop
If you don't have this Father's Day all planned out, don't worry. We bring you 5 fun activities to do with your father this Father's Day. By doing these activities, you will get to spend time with your ultimate hero.

 1.  Shopping

Let's start with the simplest one- if you are short on a deadline but not on money then taking your father to shop is a worthwhile idea. Dads are all about savings and family and don't like shopping for themselves. This one day of the year you can drag your father to the mall to get some new dad jeans and polo shirts.

 2. A road trip

Nothing makes up for a better one on one bonding experience than a road trip. So, driving down the road with daddy dearest would be a lifelong memory. Hit the road and hear why music was so much better in the old days. You can take your siblings along if you have any.

 3. Go for a hike

Hiking is not only good for the body but the soul as well. Take your father on a hike. You should choose a less crowded place so you can get daddy a day off from the blaring sounds of life.  Nothing would interrupt your peace and a hike is a food for a thoughtful conversation.

 4. Cooking

If your father likes to cook this activity is ideal, and even if he does not it's still worth doing. Get on your aprons, and get ready to boil some noodles. You can cook for the two of you or the entire family. Just make sure it's not a debacle and you don't have to dine out.

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 5. Do Yoga together
Yoga has recently picked up universal acclaim and there's a reason for that. It helps you relax and is beneficial for both body and mind. So, partake with your dad in some asanas and become one with the Universe. You can later turn this activity into a daily or a weekly thing.
