The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) is gearing up for a grand display of unity and solidarity among its leaders. On Wednesday evening, party chief and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal will grace the event, which will witness the presence of all ministers and MLAs of the party in Punjab, along with its Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha MPs. Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann is hosting a dinner at his official residence to bring everyone together.
According to party sources, the dinner has been arranged as an opportunity for party leaders to come together with their families. The purpose of the event is not only to foster a positive atmosphere among the leaders but also to inform them about the recent ordinance introduced by the BJP to assert control over officers in Delhi. Additionally, the Punjab-based leaders will be briefed about the party’s efforts in reaching out to the public through the ordinance campaign and to celebrate the success of the recent Jalandhar by-election.
Reportedly, Chief Minister Kejriwal will spend the night in Punjab before joining Chief Minister Mann on Thursday for visits to Tamil Nadu and Odisha. The purpose of these visits is to seek support from the DMK and BJD against the aforementioned ordinance.
The AAP’s upcoming gathering aims to showcase a strong and united front, emphasizing the party’s determination to address important issues and garner support from various regions across the country.