Almost a month after the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) won the Jalandhar Byelection, the party on Monday appointed Jagroop Singh Sekhwan as State General Secretary. It is said that Jagroop Singh Sekhwan's appointment as AAP's State General Secretary came as a reward and appreciation by the party as he showcased exemplary effort during the campaigns of the Jalandhar by-election. As per reports, Jagroop Singh Sekhwan was proactive during the AAP's campaigning in the State, and due to this, the party witnessed a historic win in the Jalandhar by-election. Now only this, Jagroop Singh Sekhwan's implementation of strategy on the ground made by the party's high command was fruitful for the party and it resulted in AAP breaking the Congress' stronghold of Jalandhar constituency.
Apart from him, Amansher Singh (Shery Kalsi), Jasvir Singh Raja Gill Jagdeep Singh Kaka Brar, and Tarunpreet Singh Sond were appointed as AAP's State Vice President. Devinderjeet Singh Laddi Dhose was appointed as AAP's Youth Wing State President.
Led by cm cabinet approves regularisation of 14239 teachers of the state