In a shocking development, popular Bhojpuri actress Akanksha Dubey on Sunday was found dead at a hotel in Varanasi. The initial report hinted that Akanksha Dubey died by suicide, however, the Police are yet to file a conclusive report. Following that Akanksha Dubey suicide sent shockwaves and her fans are eager to know why the actress took such an extreme step. To be precise, Akanksha Dubey was found hanging in her hotel room in Varanasi's Sarnath. She was shooting for a film at the location. The Police sent her body for a post-mortem. According to the hotel staff, the police were called immediately. "The prima facie report suggests it might be a case of suicide. But we have to wait for the post-mortem report to be sure of the cause of the death," said the Assistant Commissioner of Police of Varanasi as quoted by a newswire. Now, coming to Akanksha Dubey suicide reason, here what we know so far-
Akanksha Dubey suicide reason
Earlier on Saturday, footage from Dubey's Instagram Live session had gone viral on social media platforms. The actor had been seen crying uncontrollably on the livestream without saying anything, with many now alleging that she had faced ‘mental torture’. However, the exact Akanksha Dubey suicide reason is yet to be revealed. The Police have launched an investigation into the matter. “We called the field unit, evidence is being collected. Further action will be taken as more facts come to light. Family has been informed," added the Sarnath ACP.
Who was Akanksha Dubey?
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Akanksha Dubey, who was born on October 21, 1997, in Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh, became well-known thanks to the social media platforms TikTok and Instagram. She previously posted videos of herself acting and dancing on these sites. In 2016, Akanksha launched a YouTube channel where she posted videos about her daily life and travels.
Akanksha Dubey made her official debut in the Bhojpuri industry at the age of 17 in Meri Jung Mera Faisla and then went on to work in various films like Mujhse Shadi Karogi (Bhojpuri), Veeron Ke Veer, Fighter King, Kasam Paida Karne Vale Ki 2 and more. She has additionally worked in the TV show Ghar Ki Lakshmi Betiyan. According to reports, the actress moved to Mumbai with her parents when she was three years old. Her father worked as a contractor at a mill in the city. Akanksha’s parents wanted her to join the IPS, but she preferred acting and dancing. She was reportedly dating her co-star Samar Singh. The couple made their relationship Instagram official on Valentine's Day this year.
Akanksha Dubey has shared the screen with well known Bhojpuri actors like Samar Singh, Khesari Lal Yadav, Pawan Singh, and Pradeep Pandey, in several films.