Are aliens real & why UFOs are only seen in the US and not in India? ISRO Chairman Somanath reveals all

Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) Chairman Dr. S Somnath has finally broken his silence on whether aliens are real or not and even revealed why UFO sightings are common in the US.

India, Trending, USA, ISRO Chairman Somanath Alien, ISRO Chief on Aliens, ISRO Dr S Somnath Aliens Reality, ISRO Chief UFO Spotting USA, Why UFOs are spotted in US ISRO Chairman Somanath, Why UFOs not visible in India, UFO Spotting India, UFO Spotting South America Reason- True Scoop

Aliens- myths or hidden living creatures? Well, the world keeps on debating on the topic but hasn't reached any conclusion. Keeping aside the conspiracy theories, many videos often go viral on social media with the claims that UFOs have been spotted. Such videos mostly come from the United States or the South American region. US Space Agency even conducted a UFO report in which it probed into hundreds of UFO sightings. NASA in its report stated that there was no evidence aliens were behind the unexplained phenomena, but the space agency also could not rule out that possibility. Now, Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) Chairman Dr. S Somnath has finally broken his silence on whether aliens are real or not and even revealed why UFO sightings are common in the US but not in India. 

Are aliens real?

ISRO Chairman Dr. S Somnath who was featured in Ranveer Allahabadia's podcast said- 

"Aliens always fascinate. Aliens we call are intelligent people living things sometimes more intelligent than us or not that much intelligent than us. We call ourselves evolved creates now. You know everything, you know how to communicate, and technology is also with us. But, just imagine, 100 years ago we were nothing. You did not have a camera, microphones, etc. Nothing was there. Our history is not 100 years. Our history is a million years. The whole human race evolved over millions of years but in the last 100 years, you achieved all of these like you are talking about going to space and talking about aliens, etc. 

Just imagine there is another civilization out there that is just 200 years behind you. They are very good but they don't have this technology. Just imagine another way. There is a civilization that is 1000 years ahead of you. 1000 years is nothing on the cosmic scale. So, they will be so evolved in 100 years you can make this much progress, just imagine the next 100 years where will you be or assume in the next 1000 years where you will be in terms of progress of technology. So, a society, an evolution, a system, or an alien system that is 100 years progressive then you will always be here. They must be listening to your podcast. 

They will treat you like an earthworm. For us, we are nowhere. So, I always believe there are aliens around us that have evolved. Because we are not the ones that have come in recent times. We were the very recent origin of life forms. Possibly there are origins of life and much evolved life everywhere in the universe no doubt about it. 

Why UFOs are only spotted in America & South America?

On UFO sightings in the US and not in India, Dr. Somnath said, "Many times these types of observations are much more feasible in the Northern latitudes and Southern latitudes. You know equatorial regions are always cloudy. If you look at Africa, India, or South Asian nations; all these nations are in the equator. The Europeans, Northern Europeans, and Americans are in the northern latitudes, and in the southern latitudes, you do not have any nation other than Australia. So, if any events of this nature especially events in the sky where there is a..for example, auroras you can see in the northern sides, the solar-related effects are mostly seen in the northern side even the cyclones and other activities are more on the other sides not on the equator. The Equator has different climatic conditions and is mostly covered. The sky is mostly dark, not blue.

If you go in the US you will see the sky more blue than India. It's not due to pollution alone, it's due to various content of water vapor in there and many things so this is scientific. Now, there is non-scientific reason. Americans have a nature to predict so many things all around and make a story out of it and many of the UFO stories are mostly fabricated. They are not real stories. Some of them might be true, but I cannot comment on it because I have not seen it. "

On being asked whether Earth is visited by the extraterrestrial, Somnath answered, "Absolutely, no doubt about it. My conscience says I do not have proof but there are aliens out in the universe. Aliens mean living systems are there, and cultures are there in other parts of the universe. They would have definitely visited us if they are ahead in technology than us say 1000 or 10,000 years ahead."
