Amitabh Bachchan shares video of baby laughing hysterically. Watch adorable video

Little kids are the most innocent souls with the most hysterical laughs.

Coronavirus Outbreak, World in Panic and Chaos, Amitabh Bachchan, Actor Shares Video, Baby Laughs Hysterically, Adorable Video, Mood Booster, Trending Video, Entertainment News, True Scoop- True Scoop
From using laundry basket to make roller coaster rides to fake sneeze, parents go to lengths to make their little ones smile. 

Many videos of parents cheering up their kids have surfaced on the internet. Amitabh Bachchan also shared a similar video of a mother fake sneezing again and again in order to make her baby laugh while feeding.

The legendary actor shared the video with the caption, "Kid video In times of extenuating circumstances Laugh for a change. (sic)"

The adorable video shows baby Benson from Mississippi being fed by his mommy and she suddenly fake sneezes. The sneeze results in uncontrollable laughter from baby Benson. And whenever he stops laughing, his mother sneezes again resulting in another laugh riot.

The best part of the 55-second video is the way baby Benson looks at his mother in anticipation of another sneeze. 

The video, that was originally shared on TikTok on February 8, has gone now viral again. In the time of distress and chaos, such videos work as mood boosters and bring a smile. 

Watch video:
