In the latest development, Waris Punjab De Chief Amritpal Singh released a video of himself warning the police authorities over arrest of his accomplice. On Saturday, Ajnala police took two of Amritpal Singh’s accomplices in custody for questioning regarding the kidnapping and assault case lodged against them. Post this, Waris Punjab De Chief also recorded a video for the same.
In the video of Amritpal Singh that has gone viral, Amritpal Singh says that Ajnala Police has arrested two members of his group namely Lovepreet Singh Toofan and Sandhu from their home over the kidnapping case. He further added that case registered against them for kidnapping and assaulting a person is also false and they are just trying to target him as well as his followers. Amritpal Singh stated that various number of times we have told police that we don’t want to go against you but if they will keep on arresting our members like this, then we will also take a strong decision against them.
Waris Punjab De Chief in the end requested all his followers to gather near Jalpur Kheda if they are in his support. He warned the police officials saying that if they will not leave his accomplices from custody then he will take a strict action from his side as well.
For the unversed, a case was registered against Waris Punjab De Chief Amritpal Singh and his companions on charges of kidnapping and assault on Thursday night. As per the information received, a video was posted by the victim in which he was seen opposing views of Waris Punjab De Chief Amritpal Singh. While he was paying obeisance at someone’s death anniversary in Ajnala, Barinder got kidnapped and was beaten brutally.
Waris Punjab De Chief Amritpal Singh gives warning to Ajnala Police#amritpalsingh #punjabnews #punjabupdates #truescoop #truescoopnews
— True Scoop (@TrueScoopNews) February 18, 2023