While the streets of Amritsar kept on shining with lights, two robbers looted a tour and travel shop right under it. On Friday late night, a day before Dhanteras, two robbers looted a Tour and travel shop at gunpoint in the Jandiala area of Amritsar. Reportedly, two masked robbers looted Rs 2 lakh cash at gunpoint and later fled from the spot. Notably, a case has been registered under relevant sections and Police have started their investigation. Notably, Amritsar Jandiala robbery was caught on CCTV, and ever since then, it has shocked the netizens on social media.
In the Amritsar Jandiala robbery CCTV video, it can be seen two masked robbers entering the shop and both of them carrying a handgun. Barging in the shop, one of the robbers pointed the gun at a person who might be a helper and the other at the man sitting behind the main desk. As soon as the robbers pointed the gun, the man put his hand above his head to showcase that he is complying with the robbers and therefore they don't fire. The robbers then loot the shop and snatch the cash that was kept there.
Watch Amritsar Jandiala robbery viral video
Amritsar: Tour and travels shop robbed at gunpoint a day before Dhanteras; CCTV footage goes viral#Dhanteras #Amritsar #Diwali #dhanteras2022 #Diwali2022 pic.twitter.com/PRnUL3w42E
— True Scoop (@TrueScoopNews) October 22, 2022