A young boy in 12th class was shot dead at Fatehgarh Churian Road in Amritsar. The Police has registered a case and launched an investigation on the same. According to the family members, the boy went out with 2 of his friends and did not return till nightfall. The dead body of the boy was found on 26th April.
Harpreet Singh, the panchayat member received a call from the police station and thereafter a photo of the boy was sent to him. He recognized the boy and then rushed to the victim's house to inform his family members. Mr. Harpreet Singh was informed by the police that the boy has been shot dead. He also stated that the DSP, Balbir Singh and SHO, Saspal Singh were also present at the spot. The panchayat member has requested the police to help the family members of the victim in every way possible.
According to the family members, he went out with two friends and did not return. One of his friends came in the morning to return his vehicle and after parking his vehicle he went away. Nirmal Singh, the father of the victim was working in Dubai and immediately came back after hearing the news. The police assured the family members that the culprits will be punished.