The Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation which sells its dairy products under the Amul brands has decided to increase the price of milk by Rs. 3 per litre. The notice regarding the same was issued on 3rd February 2023. GMCCF stated, “We would like to inform you that the price of Amul pouch milk has been revised upwards as under w.e.f. February 2, 2023 night dispatch.”
Reportedly, post the increase in price all kinds of milk that used to come under the Amul brand will now be available at a costlier price. The price of Amul Gold will be Rs 66 per litre. Amul Taaza will be Rs 54 per litre and Amul cow milk Rs 56 per litre and Amul A2 buffalo milk will now cost Rs 70 per litre.
While citing the reason for the price hike, the marketing federation stated that there has been an overall increase in the cost of operation & production of milk. It added that the cattle feeding cost has also seen a hike of 20% and due to the same, this decision has been taken.
Earlier in October 2022 Amul witnessed a rise in price by Rs. 2 per litre of its Gold, Taaza and Shakti milk brands. This decision was taken for all states except Gujarat. In October 2022, former Amul MD Rs Sodhi said “Amul has increased prices of full cream milk, gold and buffalo milk by Rs 2 per litre in all states except Gujarat.”