Jalandhar Commissionerate Police led by Commissioner of Police Mr Swapan Sharma has traced an incident of money bag snatching by arresting five perpetrators and recovering Rs 2 lakh from them.
Divulging the details, the Commissioner of Police said that on January Police was investigating two incidents of snatching one on Petrol pump near Bhogpur and other near HMV college. He said that two FIRs Number 08, dated 15.01.2025, under sections 304(2) BNS and 25 Arms Act, at Adampur Police Station, and FIR Number 05, dated 16.01.2025, under sections 309(4), 109(2), 3(5) BNS, and 25/27-54-59 Arms Act, was registered at Police Station Division No. 2, Jalandhar. Mr Swapan Sharma said that during a joint operation, using intelligence sources, three youths Manpreet Singh @ Manni, Nitish Mahey @ Niti, and Vivek, of whom Vivek was a minor were arrested from Florence Hotel, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
The Commissioner of Police said that later on the Police also arrested Nawab Singh and Suresh Bajpai, involved in the case, and Rs. 2 lakh of the stolen money, along with the unnumbered motorcycle used in the incident, was recovered. He said that one Pistol with Magazine and one Live Round was recovered from them. Mr Swapan Sharma said further investigations into the case is going on and details will be shared later.