Sharing the picture on her official Instagram, Ekta Kapoor wrote, “This is how it started.” In the photograph, Amitabh Bachchan is seen in his youth, with child Ekta Kapoor standing nearby. She also shared a clapboard picture written Goodbye on it and captioned it as ‘this is how it’s ( hopefully) going! Finally working with the ONLY actor I have been waiting to work with ... who I spent my childhood obsessing over @amitabhbachchan! Wat an honor sir/uncle! Welcoming new beginnings with #Goodbye.”
Moreover,Shivin Narang is getting ready to make his big screen debut alongside Amitabh Bachchan and Rashmika Mandanna in Vikas Bahl's GoodBye. Yes, the actor is set to enter the film's shoot when it begins with Amitabh Bachchan and Rashmika Mandanna.
Shivin has previously appeared in shows such as Khatron Ke Khiladi and others, but his most well-known appearance was on Beyhadh 2. Shivin had just left fans excited about a new project when he posted a picture of himself on Instagram and said his good - bye to Mumbai. He captioned the picture 'Day 1', which sparked fans' interest in his next film. Now it's obvious that he'll be making his debut in Goodbye.
According to reports, after the first schedule of filming, the cast would travel to Chandigarh and Haridwar for subsequent schedules. Amitabh Bachchan, meanwhile, got the first dose of the COVID 19 vaccine today.
On the work front, the release of Chehre, starring Amitabh Bachchan and Emraan Hashmi, has been postponed due to the growing case of COVID 19. The film was scheduled to hit theatres on April 9, but the release date has been pushed back even further.