The countdown for the much-awaited movie Bholaa starring Ajay Devgn, Tabu, Sanjay Mishra, Deepak Dobriyal, Gajraj Rao, Vineet Kumar, and more has begun. There is a buzz on social media for Aja Devgn's upcoming movie Bhola as it is the second movie of the actor after Drishyam 2 which turned out to be a superhit at the box office. Notably, Ajay Devgn has yet again donned the director's hat for his upcoming movie Bhola. For the unversed, Ajay Devgn's directorial is the official remake of Lokesh Kanagaraj’s Tamil superhit movie Kaithi. Notably, Bhola will also be releasing in IMax 3rd and therefore the hype around the upcoming thriller is high. Now, the question arises what is Bhola's release date and where to watch it? To know the answer continue reading-
Bholaa release date, star cast, and plot
Apart from Ajay Devgn, actress Amala Paul, who is known for her work in Tamil, Malayalam, and Telugu films, will also play a key role in this action extravaganza. She gained immense popularity for her role in the 2010 Tamil film Mynaa. Her most recent release is Disney+Hotstar’s cop thriller film, Cadaver. Produced by Ajay Devgn FFilms, T-Series Films, Reliance Entertainment, and Dream Warrior Pictures, the film is set to be released on March 30, 2023. First look poster, motion poster, teasers to trailer with Ajay’s powerful dialogue created hype for this big release. The movie synopsis says, "After 10 years of imprisonment, Bholaa is finally going home to meet his young daughter. However, his journey is not so simple as he soon faces a pathway full of crazy obstacles, with death lurking around every corner."
The film is expected to be the next big thing after Pathaan, and Tu Jhoothi Main Makkar. The advance bookings for Bholaa opened on March 19 and had sold 1200+ tickets within 2-3 hours all across the country, now advance booking reports are extraordinary.