The Chandigarh Sector 25 School female student's photo leak incident is turning out to be a sensitive case. In the past few days, Punjab has witnessed some high-profile cyber crimes- the Kulhad Pizza Couple Video Leak, the Phagwara couple private tape leak, the Ludhiana influencer's personal video leak, and more. However, the Chandigarh Sector 25 School photo leak controversy has jolted the administration as it is a matter of underage female students.
Now, Shipra Bansal, Chairperson, CCPCR (Chandigarh Commission for Protection of Child Rights) on Friday gave an update on the case. CCPCR Chairperson Shipra Bansal while talking to a newswire said, "...This case is sensitive and serious... First, we have asked for the reports from the concerned school and police station... Second, our team visited the school. The school is cooperative... They are talking to the students and parents. The moment the complaint was filed, the police department registered an FIR. This is a matter of Cyber Cell... The investigation is going on..."
DSP Ram Gopal, PRO Chandigarh Police, was also quoted saying, "We received information about photos of a girl being morphed and going viral on social media. FIR registered, probe underway."
Chandigarh School Sector 25 leaked photo controversy
As per reports, the bizarre incident took place on October 10, 2023. Reportedly, a girl's father had gone to take her from school after all the periods were over. However, the girl came crying to her father. When her father asked the reason for this, she informed him that there was a Snapchat portal for seniors. Apart from her, objectionable pictures of many other girls have been shared on that portal.
Parents have alleged the photos of the girls have been downloaded from the school's portal. The portal reportedly connects parents, school students, and school staff. As a result, the parents sense that the person who leaked and edited girl student photos may be part of the school.