Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann on Monday mourned the death of Punjab Police Constable Kuldeep Singh Bajwa, who attained martyrdom in line of duty at Phagwara, and announced Rs 2 crore to the family of martyr as a mark of respect for his supreme sacrifice for the country.
The Chief Minister said that Constable Kuldeep Bajwa had attained martyrdom while performing his duty at Phagwara. He said that out of this Rs 2 crore, Rs 1 crore will be given as ex-gratia by the state government whereas another payment of insurance cover worth Rs 1 crore will be made by the HDFC bank. Bhagwant Mann said that this initiative is in recognition of the immense contribution of this son of soil towards maintaining law and order in the state.
Meanwhile, the Chief Minister reiterated that the state government is duty bound to help the families of the soldiers who sacrifice their life at the altar of the motherland.
Salute to martyr Constable Kuldeep Singh Bajwa Belt no. 886/KPT who has made the sacrifice in line of duty. Punjab Government will make Ex Gratia grant of Rs 1 crores. Another Rs 1 crore insurance payment will be made by HDFC Bank.We stand with our martyrs and their families pic.twitter.com/AhOuOVGF2L
— Bhagwant Mann (@BhagwantMann) January 9, 2023