The Commissionerate Police Jalandhar successfully carried out a rigorous three-day traffic enforcement campaign aimed at improving road safety and fostering disciplined driving. The initiative resulted in 87 challans being issued, 8 vehicles impounded, and over 460 vehicles inspected to ensure compliance with traffic laws.
Key Highlights of the Drive
- Strategic Checkpoints : Nakabandi operations were conducted at high-traffic areas, including markets and busy intersections, ensuring thorough inspections.
- Strict Enforcement : A total of 87 challans were issued for various traffic violations.
- Vehicle Impoundments : 8 vehicles were seized due to lack of valid documentation.
- Comprehensive Inspections : Over 460 vehicles were checked for adherence to traffic rules and regulations.
Violations Addressed
- Triple Riding on Motorcycles: 18 challans issued.
- Riding Without Helmets: 14 challans issued.
- Vehicles Without Number Plates: 13 challans issued.
- Illegal Black Films on Windows: 19 challans issued.
- Modified Bullet Motorcycles: 9 challans issued.
- Driving Without a License: 7 challans issued.
Leadership and Collaborative Efforts
- Leadership: The operation was led by the ACP of North & West, along with the ACP of Traffic, with strong coordination from the SHOs and Zone In-charges of the ERS team..
- Operational Support: The Emergency Response System (ERS) played a pivotal role in conducting efficient inspections across the city.
- Public Awareness : The Field Media Team (FMT) actively documented the campaign, raising awareness about traffic rules and the importance of compliance.
Impact of the Drive
This traffic enforcement drive underscores the proactive stance of Commissionerate Police Jalandhar in maintaining order on the roads. By addressing key violations, the initiative contributed significantly to promoting road safety and increasing public adherence to traffic laws.
Commitment to Public Safety
Commissionerate Police Jalandhar is unwavering in its commitment to creating a safer, more disciplined, and accident-free road environment for the residents and visitors of Jalandhar.