The Commissionerate Police Jalandhar carried out a targeted special drive against eve-teasing on 10th and 13th January 2025, under the supervision of Sh. Nirmal Singh, PPS, ACP Central. The operations were held between 12:00 PM and 3:00 PM, near Sai Dass School and HMV College, respectively.
ā Key Details of the Drive ā
- Locations: Sai Dass School and HMV College
- Supervision: Mr Nirmal Singh, ACP Central
- Collaboration: SHO Division No. 2, Emergency Response System (ERS) Team, Field Media Team (FMT)
- To combat the menace of eve-teasing and traffic violations.
- To ensure the safety and security of women, girls, and the general public, especially in areas frequented by students.
Key Outcomes:
- Total Vehicles Checked: 300
- Total Challans Issued: 38
- Motorcycles Impounded: 4
Identified Violations:
- Modified Bullet Motorcycles: 4
- Triple Riding: 8
- Riding Without Helmets: 9
- Vehicles Without Number Plates: 3
- Underage Driving: 5
- Black Film on Windows: 5
This initiative reflects the Commissionerate Police Jalandhar’s continued commitment to enforcing traffic discipline and enhancing public safety, particularly for women and students.
The Commissionerate Police Jalandhar is dedicated to taking proactive measures to maintain a safe and secure environment for all residents.