Punjabi singer Daler Mehndi said the untimely death of popular singer KK on Tuesday night in Kolkata, at a time when the country was still reeling under the shock of Sidhu Moosewala's killing, was "another huge loss".
"It's very sad. He was such a simple, shy private person," Daler Mehndi tweeted: "It's a big loss for the Indian music industry. I have always admired his sense of music. May he rest in peace. May God give strength to all his fans and family."
"These are grave times for the music world," the Punjabi pop star added, while referring to KK's achievements and how it will create "a void in the world of music".
Star comedian Kapil Sharma took to Instagram to post his tribute in Hindi. He said: "We met some time ago. What a beautiful evening it was. I didn't know that meeting would be the last. Heart is very sad. God bless you. You will always be in our hearts. Goodbye, brother Om Shanti #KK."
Source : IANS