Film 'Doctor Strange' actress Zara Phythian has been sentenced to jail for eight years after she and her Taekwondo master-husband, Victor Marke, were found guilty of sexually abusing several teenage girls.
Zara's husband has been sentenced to fourteen years. The actress appeared in the 2016 prequel of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness as one of the Zealots.
On the other hand, addressing Phythian, the judge added "whilst you denied in cross-examination that you were besotted with Victor Marke, on the evidence I have heard I am in no doubt that your deviance was shaped by the influence that he had upon you from an early age. I cannot ignore that it started at a time when you were still young," as per the BBC reports.
This should be the lesson for all those who think that sexually assaulting a child comes under minor offence or casual crime. All these criminals should be punished with strictly.
As per IPC, Section 354, any act by a person that assaults or uses criminal force against a woman with the intention or knowledge that it will outrage her modesty, such an act is punishable with either simple or rigorous imprisonment of up to 2 years, or a fine, or both.