The much-awaited medical drama Doctors was released on Jio Cinema Premium on December 27, 2024. Directed by Shair Raza, Doctors is a medical drama set in the Elizabeth Blackwell Medical Centre and revolves around Dr. Nitya Vasu, whose feelings for Dr. Ishaan Ahuja shift from vendetta to love. Since the series resembles real-life cases, fans are digging deep into Doctors True Story or Doctors Real Story.
Talking about the character's guide, Doctors feature Sharad Kelkar, Harleen Sethi, Viraf Patel, Aamir Ali, Nihharika Dutta, Vivaan Shah, and more in the leading roles. Among the doctors, Dr. Ishaan Ahuja (Sharad Kelkar) is one of the best neurosurgeons in India. Then, Dr. Nitya Vasu (Harleen Sethi) enters intending to take revenge on Ishaan for spoiling her brother, Dr. Dhaval Vasu's career, by making mistakes in surgery.
Since you have landed on this page, True Scoop assumes that you have already watched Doctors on Jio Cinema and wondering about the EMC hospital shown in the series. Below is what you need to know about real-life Elizabeth Blackwell Medical Centre-
Is Elizabeth Blackwell Medical Centre a real hospital in Mumbai?
The answer is no. Elizabeth Blackwell Medical Centre is a fictional setting in the Jio Cinema's web series Doctors. Now, another question arises where is EMC that has been showcased in the series. True Scoop tried to dig deep and hence reverse search the image of Elizabeth Blackwell Medical Centre on Google.
One Elizabeth Blackwell Medical Centre-like building was showcased in Google Reverse Search. On digging, it found that Elizabeth Blackwell Medical Centre is one of the projects of L&T Realty in Mumbai's Western Suburbs. On visiting the website, there were three projects popped up- L&T Raintree Boulevard, Crescent Bay in South Bombay, and Emerald Isle in Mumbai Eastern Suburbs.
(PC; Google via Reverse Search)
(Elizabeth Blackwell Medical Centre shown in Doctors, PC: Jio Studios YouTube channel)
Doctors Real Story
MoneyControl quoted Harleen Sethi who shared about Doctors True Story or Doctors Real Story. Harleen said, "What makes Doctors so unique is that we’ve referenced real-life cases from AIIMS. It’s one of the many fascinating aspects of the show that makes it stand apart. Doctors often seem godlike from a distance, but when you get closer, you realize they’re just human beings navigating their own challenges and emotional states. The show captures that human element in a way we haven’t seen before. I’m genuinely excited for people to watch this show.
We’ve crafted interesting characters with distinct personalities, both as doctors and as individuals. Each character has their quirks and mannerisms, and I’m sure viewers will find someone they can relate to. The show has everything redemption, love, drama, surgeries, and even elements like augmented reality (AR), something we haven’t really seen in Indian shows before. There’s truly no other show like Doctors in India."