Five easy ways to beat exam pressure ahead of the upcoming Board Exams

Board exams bring a sense of fear in almost every student and that fear then leads to stress, anxiety, and depression.

Youth, Trending, Exam Pressure, Board Exam, Board Exam Pressure, How To Beat Board Exam Pressure, How to handle exam pressure, Five Steps To Beat Exam Pressure- True Scoop

Every time board exams arrive, the students of Grades 10 and 12 start to panic and get scared. Are you one of them? You have studied and prepared with your full potential but the moment you enter the exam hall, your hands start to tremble and you go completely blank, if that is your case as well, you must follow the strategies given below- 

A survey by the National Council for Educational Research and Training (NCERT) shows that 80% of students in grades 9-12 suffer from anxiety and stress. Board exam days are one of the most crucial exams for school-going students but unfortunately, they are given more pressure for these days. A lot of expectations are put on the shoulders of the kids and when they aren’t able to meet these expectations, they think that they are worthless.


Not being able to be the topper of the batch or fulfill their parent’s desire to secure more than 90% is one of the major reasons for stress these days. Undoubtedly, these days are extremely important but what’s more important is that students write their exams with a cool mind and with the will to do their best rather than competing with others.


When questioned by a student giving boards in 2024, she stated, "I am scared of getting less marks than my friends and if I do, my parents would scold me." This mindset is what we need freedom from. Family should motivate the child during their exams rather than putting extra burden on them. 

Here we provide you with some strategies and tips that might make your board exam days easier:

  1. Ensure adequate rest: Many of the students tend to cover their whole syllabus in the breaks between the exams without sleeping which results in dizziness during the exams. It becomes very important to have adequate rest to be efficient during the exams.
  2. Have a relaxed mind: Do not begin to panic minutes before your exam, have a calm and composed mindset before you enter the exam hall. Write your exam open-mindedly and avoid too much screen time before your exams.
  3. Have a balanced diet: In the worry of completing your syllabus on time, do not undermine the importance of a good nutritional diet. Eat healthy food and avoid the intake of junk food. Nutritious food will help you increase concentration and memory and excel in exams.
  4. Take the help of flowcharts: Do not focus on cramming at the 11th hour of your exam, rather take a look at the flowcharts and short notes for each chapter. They will help you understand and learn the crux of the whole lesson therefore improving your basics.
  5. Stay adequately hydrated: Do not forget to have a proper intake of water. Having an adequate supply of water will help you improve cognitive functions and also increase memory retention which will further help you with your exams. We hope these strategies will boost your academic performance and you all will come back from each exam happily and with the satisfaction of doing your best. All the best to all the students appearing for Boards 2024.
