The much-awaited movie Emergency's new trailer was released on January 6, 2025. Directed by Kangana Ranaut, Emergency is a biopic drama based on India's first woman Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. Kangana Ranaut's Emergency was supposed to be released in theaters in September 2024, however, the CBFC did not grant the makers certificate of release. Thereafter, a massive controversy erupted with multiple MPs of Punjab expressing their displeasure over the movie. Not only this, but SGPC also wrote to CBFC to not grant permission to release the movie unless they watch it first.
The controversy erupted due to the references to Khalistan, Jarinal Singh Bhindrawale, and the assassination of Indira Gandhi in the movie. In response, Kangana took to her X handle and revealed that CBFC officials are getting death threats from Pro Khalistan elements and hence they have withheld the certification required for the movie.
The Mandi MP also accused CBFC of pressuring her to censor 'Khalistan episode' linked to Jarnail Singh Bhindrawale in the movie. Hence, the makers had to fight a legal battle in the Bombay High Court. Later, the court cleared the movie for release and hence, Kangana's movie is now all set to hit theaters.
Emergency's trailer 2 focuses mainly on the historical politics of India revolving around Indira Gandhi. Indira Gandhi's firm stance on war against Pakistan. It also outlines, Indira Gandhi's anti-democratic ruling during her tenure.
Kangana took to her X handle and shared the trailer with the caption, "1975, Emergency — A Defining chapter in Indian History. Indira: India’s most powerful woman. Her ambition transformed the nation, but her #EMERGENCY plunged it into chaos."
Talking about starcast, Emergency features Kangana Ranaut, Anupam Kher, Shreyas Talpade, Milind Soman, Mahima Choudhry, Vishak Nair and more in the leading roles. Kangana plays former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in the film. Anupam Kher plays Jayaprakash Narayan, who writes her a letter from jail as shown in the new trailer. Shreyas Talpade is seen as the late Atal Bihari Vajpayee.