Social media users are yet again haunted by the fear of demonization in India. Yes! you heard it right. Various social media posts are circulating online with the claims that the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is all set to demonetize and even stop the circulation of Rs 200 notes. In fact, claims are going viral that RBI has already issued a notification to discontinue Rs 200 notes. It has triggered panic among people who are expressing their displeasure on social media. Notably, Rs 200 and Rs 500 are the most circulated notes in India as of now. Therefore, claims revolving around the Rs 200 note ban or Rs 200 currency ban are indeed serious.
The reports suggest that RBI says that after the ban on 2000 rupee notes, the circulation of fake 200 and 500 rupee notes is continuously increasing in the country. The Reserve Bank of India has warned people to be extra cautious during transactions.
(Credits: Instagram)
Truth behind RBI Rs 200 note ban
True Scoop tried to dig more into the Rs 200 currency note ban on social media. It visited RBI's notification section in the news section and could not find any relevant information about this. Also, there is no official announcement by the RBI that it is mulling to ban the note in a crackdown against counterfeit notes. Therefore, it can be said that the viral claims saying Rs 200 will be banned is totally fake and misleading.
How to identify fake Rs 200 notes?
200 is written in the Devanagari script on the left side of the 200 rupee note. In the middle is a very clear picture of Mahatma Gandhi and RBI, Bharat, India, and 200 are written in very small letters i.e. micro font. On the right is the symbol of the Ashoka Pillar.
To stop the spread of fake notes, the Reserve Bank of India has appealed to the people to be vigilant. The Reserve Bank of India has advised to check the notes properly during transactions. RBI said that if anyone finds a fake note, then immediately take it to the local administration or the concerned bank officials.