With few hours to go for the digital release of Sushant Singh Rajput's last movie Dil Bechara, fans are going crazy. People on social media marking July 24 as 'Dil Bechara Day' in remembrance of Sushant Singh Rajput. BJP leader Ravi Tiwari Bihari appealed to his fans to immortalize the work of Sushant and make Dil Bechara 'record-breaking'.
On the other hand, fans are excited about Dil Bechara as well. Till writing this article more than 78 thousand tweets have been made. Dil Bechara will be releasing on Disney Plus Hotstar on Friday at 7:30 pm.
Going by the reports on a digital portal called 'DigitalSpy' the most-watched movie in recent times is 'Extraction' which was released on Netflix. It has been watched by an estimated 90 million households in its first four weeks.
A user wrote, "Audience who will be making #DilBechara a Hit Today, remember it's only bcz of Sushant and NOT any other Cast and crew members.@CastingChhabra - no one is gonna watch a movie by you in future, Remember !!"