#FirstStoryPositive : These heroes are driving lives to safety

We have come across such wonderful warriors in the country during this pandemic who are saving the lives of many. India is a united nation and when in need, every citizen stands for each other.

Special, Coverage, Special Report, Analysis, Behind The Scenes news, Special Scoop, True Scoop News, Mumbai, Banaglore, First story Positive, Special story, Arjun Gowda, Karnataka, Dattatraya Sawant, Whitefield, Kengeri, Covid19, Covid warriors, ambulances, Hospitals, India, United nation, Real life heroes,- True Scoop

In these tough times, where India is trying to cope up with the pandemic, where Covid-19 has brought absolute devastation, people are struggling to breathe. There is still a ray of hope for when you look around at people who dedicate their selfless services to mankind. Such is the story of Mumbai-based school teacher, Dattatraya Sawant and a Kannada actor Arjun Gowda who are helping COVID patients to reach the hospital by driving ambulance.

Dattatraya Sawant is a part-time English teacher In Mumbai’s Dnyansagar Vidya Mandir School and also a part-time auto-rickshaw driver. He has concerted his auto-rickshaw into a temporary ambulance to help covid patients reach hospitals.

It was after the rise in Maharashtra’s covid cases that Sawant decided to provide services to people in the Northeast Mumbai. His mobile ambulance comes complete PPE kit, sanitization etc. Mr. Sawant tells that he drops the corona patients to Covid care centres and hospitals for free of charge and also bring back discharged patients from the Covid care centre and the hospital to their respective homes. He’s not only helping the people but also putting his own life at risk.

Another story is about a Kannada actor who came forward to serve the humanity. We have seen many actors helping India and Indians in such crucial times. And recently, Arjun Gowda also started working as an ambulance driver in Bangalore to help Covid-19 patients.

Before joining and working for an initiative called Project Smile Trust, Arjun has already been on toes for few days and have helped around half a dozen people with assistance for final rites. Actor says that he is ready to travel across the town for help and he once took someone who lives in the suburbs of Kengeri to Whitefield which is almost 36 kms, to some hospital.

On Instagram, the actor shared and said, “I have taken all the necessary precautions and the training for the same. It’s my commitment and my honor to serve and work for the people of Karnataka.”

According to Arjun, he plans to continue with such kind of help for few months as the situation is still not stable.

We have come across such wonderful warriors in the country during this pandemic who are saving the lives of many. India is a united nation and when in need, every citizen stands for each other. This is what makes us unique, different and powerful. 
