The Punjab Vigilance Bureau has initiated an investigation against former CM Charanjit Singh Channi on two charges. The Vigilance received complaints regarding financial irregularities worth crores of rupees. The Vigilance has raised allegations against him regarding taking money in the name of the "Dastan-e-Shahadat" event and it also stated that the Congress leader adjusted the expenditure of his son’s wedding within the funds of the same event.
Reportedly, Vigilance Bureau Chief Varinder Kumar has handed over the case against former CM Channi to AIG Flying Squad Manmohan Singh. A 6-page report was attached with the complaint by Rajbinder Singh, son of Channan Singh, village Bhagu, Bathinda.
In this case, the General Manager of the tourism department S.K Chadha and Executive Engineer Prem Chand are the prime accused of financial irregularities and scams.
The Vigilance Bureau has alleged that the work was allotted to the event at 20 times the normal rates, which is a major financial irregularity. The complainant claimed that Rs 97 lakh was spent on the temporary stage.
Former CM Channi denying to all allegations raised against him stated that his son's wedding was in October 2021 while the "Dastan-e-Shahadat" event was organized by the tourism department in November 2021. He further alleged that it’s a political vendetta. He said, “AAP government is plotting to send me to jail which is why they have initiated various investigations through Vigilance Bureau.”