The critically acclaimed movie Girls Will Be Girls was released on Amazon Prime Video on December 18, 2024. Girls Will Be Girls marks the debut production of Bollywood couple Richa Chadha and Ali Fazal. Directed by Shuchi Talati, Girls Will Be Girls is a simple but strong coming-of-age teen drama that revolves around a girl named Mira and how she deals with the various aspects of her life i.e. first love, and relationship with her mother. Girls Will Be Girls perfectly captures what a girl goes through when puberty hits.
Since you have landed on this page, True Scoop assues that you have already watched the movie on Prime Video and wondering about Girls Will Be Girls Ending and How everyone come to know about Mira and Srinivas. Below is everything you need to know-
Girls Will Be Girls Storyline in brief
Girls Will Be Girls is a coming-of-age drama, it starts with a girl named Mira played by Preeti Panigrahi becoming the head prefect of her boarding school. Mira broke the stereotype by becoming the first female head prefect of the boarding school.
Mira who is 16 or 17 years old falls in love with a boy named Srinivasan. Since she is studying in a boarding school where discipline is paramount, falling in love may lead to her expulsion. Still, Mira falls in love with Srinivas who is also new in school.
Srinivas has returned from Hong Kong mid-year as his father is a diplomat. Girls Will Be Girls also showcases the complex relationship between a mother and a daughter especially when the daughter is approaching 18 and other hormones start to kick in.
How did Mira and Srinivas' affair come to the fore?
The makers have not revealed exactly how the other students come to know about Mira's affair with Srinivas. However, there are two to three hints that the makers have dropped in the movie. Mira's friend and hostel mate notices that she is spending more time away from her.
For instance, Mira once goes to a movie with her friend but she leaves midway saying that she does not want to come. This raises suspicion in Mira's friend. Mira then goes with Srinivas to some secluded place in the hills.
Furthermore, other boys at school also notice Mira as one of them named Hardik had proposed to her in the past. In a way, the makers have tried to outline how private affairs among students not remain a secret for long during school life.
Why did Mira break up with Srinivas?
There were multiple times when Mira tried her best to keep her relationship with Srinivas on track. However, Srinivas on multiple occasions only thinks about himself by doing what he loves. The breaking point was when other boy students chased Mira and Srinivas was nowhere to be found. The makers tried to showcase that during their schooling days, girls liked that the person they loved actually made them feel protected.
Furthermore, Srinivas's Key Theory i.e. lying to people to make them do according to him did not paint a positive image of him in Mira's thoughts. Hence, in the end, Mira remained silent when Srinivas asked her if he should come back to her home or not.