Notorious Criminal linked to infamous "Gounder Gang was injured in Fierce encounter with Commissionerate Police Jalandhar led by Commissioner of Police Mr Swapan Sharma.
Giving details, the Commissioner of Police said that as per zero tolerance Polict of state government towards illegal weapons, an FIR 100/24 u/s 25 Arms Act PS Bhargo Camp Jalandhar was registered and eight accused were arrested and one revolver (.38 bore), one revolver (.32 bore) and five pistols (.32 bore) with magazines were recovered from them.
He said that the Police had also nominated Harpreet Singh who was successfully nabbed by Police on January 15. Mr Swapan Sharma said that the Police had got too off that two dreaded gangsters of Gounder gang Yudhveer Singh and Karanpreet Singh were carrying illegal weapons and planning to commit a crime.
The Commissioner of Police said that acting on tip off the Police raided location near the Service Road, Verka Milk Plant and arrested both individuals. He said that from their possession, police recovered one desi pistol 315 bore, one .32 bore pistol, four cartridges and one car bolero.
During the investigation, Mr Swapan Sharma said that it came to light that the arrested duo had obtained these illegal weapons from a previously arrested individual, Harpreet Singh, alias Peda.
The Commissioner of Police said that on Sunday during the recovery of weapons from Harpreet Singh, he opened fire on the police party. In retaliation, he said that the police party returned fire, during which Harpreet Singh sustained injuries.
Mr Swapan Sharma said that from his possession, 2 pistols (.32 bore) with magazines and 100 grams of heroin were recovered adding that Several cases of Extortion, Robbery cases, Drugs and Attempted Murder were registered against him.