Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann visited Gurdaspur on Wednesday. During his visit, CM Mann met the family of Late Cop Kuldeep Singh Bajwa (Kamal) who got martyred in an encounter with gangsters. Reportedly, Bhagwant Mann personally handed over the ex-gratia cheque to the family of the deceased.
While interacting with the media he said that policeman Kuldeep Bajwa was one of the bravest and most determined officers in Punjab Police. He further added that the deceased cop was of very helpful nature. He never backed out to help anyone from his village. CM Mann stated that Kauldeep’s father was also a retired army soldier which is why he was also inclined towards protecting the nation. He added that the government will be working to develop the stadium built in his name in the area so that youth can go there and practice. He at last informed that a road will also be built and named as Shaheed Kuldeep Singh Marg as a tribute.
Police constable Kuldeep Bjawa (Kamal) was shot dead during an encounter with gangsters in Phagwara town of Punjab. During the encounter, gangsters opened fire at the policemen chasing them after which one bullet hit Station City SHO Amandeep Nahar’s gunman Kamal Bajwa who was then taken to hospital but succumbed to injuries.
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