After a massive social media uproar, the Gurugram Police on Wednesday arrested a man named Manmohan Yadav for allegedly stealing flower pots kept for the beautification of the G20 summit. Recently, a video went viral on social media from Gurugram's Shankar Chowk where two individuals were filmed stealing flower pots that had been placed up for a G20 event while driving a luxurious car. The video became viral on the Internet and hours after the video became viral, Gurugram Police lodged an FIR into the theft. In the viral video, many flower pots full of blooming flowers can be seen being placed at a spot where a billboard promoting the G20 conference can also be seen. Soon one can see both men lifting a couple of flower pots and putting them in their car. After putting a couple of flower pots in the car, the duo can be seen fleeing away in the vehicle. Interestingly, after the Gurugram Police registered an FIR, the name of YouTuber Elvish Yadav popped out and it was alleged that the car belonged to him, which he totally denied.
Amid social media misinformation and ruckus, a prominent newswire stated that a person named Manmohan, 50, has been arrested by Gurugram police in a case pertaining to stealing flower pots. Police have seized a car and stolen flower pots.
A video of two men in a Luxury car (Kia Carnival) seen allegedly stealing flowerpots arranged for the upcoming G20 summit in Haryana’s Gurugram has gone viral on Social Media.
— Gagandeep Singh (@Gagan4344) February 28, 2023
How Elivish Yadav's named popped up?
On Tuesday it was reported that the car with VIP number plate is purportedly owned by YouTube influencer Elvish Yadav's family. As a result, Elvish Yadav started breaking the internet and netizens on social media started trolling and criticizing the YouTuber. It was reported that the reason behind Elvish Yadav's name coming up in the matter is because only last year the social media influencer was seen rallying in a KIA Carnival with the same registration number - HR20AV0006, in Tijara, Rajasthan. These flower pots were stolen from Shankar Chowk intersection of Gurugram.
Who is Elvish Yadav? YouTuber accused of stealing flower pots from G20 summit
Seeing himself being accused of theft, YouTuber Elvish Yadav has tweeted and called this allegation baseless. He wrote, ‘This is not my vehicle. I humbly request everyone not to spread any wrong information about me. I am suing those who are spreading wrong information about me. However, after the statement of Elvish, some people came in his support, while some people still allege that this car belongs to Elvish, at present, who has stolen the pots, it will be revealed only after the police investigation. Apart from this he also shared his video in the story section of his official Instagram profile.