Amidst a burning debate to curb gun culture, a newly-elected woman Sarpanch of Sirsa village (Haryana) was booked on Thursday for allegedly indulging in a gun-firing celebration. A case was registered against the woman sarpanch named Santosh Beniwal after her video went viral on social media. In the Darba Kalan video, Santosh Beniwal was seen dancing with two other women and firing in the air with a pistol.
In the Sirsa Sarpanch video, Santosh Beniwal can be seen grooving to a Punjabi song allegedly of singer Babbu Maan. Apart from her, two more women can be seen dancing with her. While the dancing takes over, Santosh fires in the air in celebration. In the video, she can be seen firing 7 times in the air.
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Viral video of newly elected sarpanch from Darba Kalan village of #Sirsa district, Santosh Beniwal doing multiple gun fire while dancing on DJ, Police registered a case under the Arms Act.
— Nikhil Choudhary (@NikhilCh_) November 17, 2022
Notably, Santosh was elected as sarpanch of Darba Kalan last week. A newswire quoted a sub-inspector of Nathusari Chopta station saying that an investigation has been launched under this case. The FIR has been registered under sections 285 (negligent conduct with respect to fire or combustible matÂter) and 188 (disobedience to order duly promulgated by public servant) of the Indian Penal Code and relevant provisions under the Arms Act and the IT Act.
*Disclaimer-It is pertinent to mention here that True Scoop News does not promote gun culture and asks its readers to do the same. The woman Sarpanch has already been booked under relevant charges.*