The hunt for Amritpal Singh has entered day 6 and the Waris Punjab De Chief is still absconding. While the Punjab Police have been in pursuit of Amritapl Singh, the Waris Punjab De Chief has managed to bluff the security officials by changing vehicles and his attires. Now, Amritpal Singh's alleged WhatsApp chats and audio tapes have been leaked and it has made a sensational revelation. AmritapalSingh's leaked chats reveal he was having multiple affairs including with married women. As per Aaj Tak Report, Amritapl Singh's leaked chats and Amritapal Singh's leaked tapes, the Waris Punjab De Chief chatted with multiple women - single and married, on social media, and even blackmailed women with their obscene videos. It is pertinent to mention here that India Today has affired to have reviewed the leaked chats and recordings. Meaning, reports claim that Amritpal Singh's leaked audio and messages are indeed true.
Here's what Amritpal Singh's leaked chats say-
As per reports, apart from chatting with multiple women, Amritpal Singh wanted 'no commitment' or 'small marriages' with multiple women. He even blackmailed multiple women through social media for their obscene videos.In the 12 voice notes accessed, Amritpal was heard saying he wants casual relationships with women and nothing serious. In another, he says that women get serious too soon. In the third one, Singh talks about a woman who is willing to have an affair with him as long as her marriage is not affected. Not only this, on Instagram, the pro-Khalistan leader has a long list of women followers whom he regularly messages. In one of the chats, Amritpal writes to a woman: “So our extramarital is confirmed? (sic)”
“Our honeymoon will be in Dubai,” he wrote. The woman sent laughing emojis.
Below is an excerpt from Amritpal Singh's leaked chats and call recordings-
Amritpal Singh WA chats was making videos of the female girls friends than was blackmailing them #Amritpal_Singh Krantikari nahi Pervert nikal 😜🤣
— Nandini Idnani 🇮🇳🚩 (@nandiniidnani69) March 22, 2023
All of you this read the disclosure from Khalistani Amritpal Singh's WhatsApp chat. #AajTakExposesAmritpal#Amritpalsingh
— Rakshitanagar 🇮🇳 (@rakshitanagar28) March 22, 2023
#Breaking | India Today accesses Amritpal Singh tapes, exclusive chats. Consulting Editor @sudhirchaudhary joins with more details on this.#IndiaFirst | @gauravcsawant
— IndiaToday (@IndiaToday) March 22, 2023
Amritpal Singh seen escaping in 'Bike Thela' after motorcycle broke down; Pic Viral
Amritpal singh ki whatsapp chat se khulasa#AajTakExposesAmritpal
— Versha Singh (@Vershasingh26) March 22, 2023