A video of the principal of a private school in village Baddon in Hoshiarpur district beating a nursery student went viral on social media on Saturday night. According to information, this video is of a private school in village Baddon.
The principal checked the students' answer sheets in the school. When mistakes were found in the answer sheet of nursery student Amandeep Singh, resident of village Dandian, the principal slapped him 7 to 8 times. Not only this, she also shook the child by holding his hair, due to which he fell down.
The video of this incident was made by the school teacher and he made it viral after one and a half months of the incident. As the video went viral, the local people expressed their anger and the matter reached the Punjab government.
Meanwhile, former Sarpanch of village Baddon Amandeep Singh said that the principal had accepted his mistake, due to which the family members of the victim child do not want to take any legal action against her. At the same time, the education minister took notice of the matter and ordered the Education Department to investigate.
District Vice DEO Sukhwinder Singh said that the matter is under investigation. Its inquiry has been marked. Block level officers will investigate the matter. Notice has been issued to the school. The block level officer has been asked to give a detailed investigation report of the entire matter within a week. Now further action will be taken after the investigation report comes.
SSP Surendra Lamba said that after the video went viral, as soon as the Punjab government gave instructions, the District DEO was asked to submit a report after investigating the entire matter administratively. The police will take further action in the case according to the investigation report. At present, police are waiting for the investigation report to come.
School Principal Neelam Bala said that the local people along with the family members of the victim have got the matter settled. They had no personal enmity with the child. This happened during routine checking of homework, which should not have happened, a mistake was made. Now there is no complaint from either side.