Reliance Industries Chairman Mukesh Ambani on Friday received a fresh death threat in an email. Although it is not new that Mukesh Ambani death threats grabbed global headlines, the latest incident has reminded the infamous Antilia bomb scare that was plotted only to extort money from the Reliance Chairman.
As per reports, Mukesh Ambani, a billionaire, got an email from an unknown source that warned him to shoot him if he filed to pay Rs 20 crore. As a result, a case was registered under sections 387 and 506 (2) IPC in Gamdevi Police Station of Mumbai.
Talking about the Antilia bomb scare case, on February 25, 2021, a car containing 20 gelignite sticks was found outside the residence of Mukesh Ambani in Mumbai. A note found inside the vehicle, addressed to Mukesh and his wife Nita Ambani, said that the act was a prelude and threatened additional violence.
The Antilia bomb scare case started a high-profile controversy that shocked Mumbai to its core. During the investigation, the vehicle was traced to Mansukh Hiren, a car decor shop owner from Thane, who had reported it stolen the previous week. A week later, Hiren was found dead in a Mumbai creek. Thereafter, Sachin Vaze, a Mumbai Police officer known to Hiren, was arrested for his involvement in placing the explosive-laden vehicle. As a result, Mumbai Commissioner of Police Param Bir Singh lost his post. (Then) Mumbai Police Commissioner Param Bir Singh wrote a letter to the Chief Minister alleging that Vaze was operating at the behest of Home Minister Anil Deshmukh, who was also forced to resign after the Bombay High Court directed the Central Bureau of Investigation to inquire into the letter's allegations.