Team India locked horns with Sri Lanka in the first match of the three-match ODI series in Guwahati. Fans witnessed senior players Rohit Sharma and Virat Kohli back in action and the crowd of Guwahati was treated by a 'King Kohli' special knock. Virat Kohli on Tuesday scored his 45th century in ODI and leveled Sachin Tendulkar's major world record. Yes! You heard it right. Virat Kohli leveled Sachin Tendulkar's most number of centuries in ODI in his home country i.e. 20. Interestingly, Sachin Tendulkar during his cricketing career scored a total of 20 centuries in ODI in India and took 160 innings. On the other hand, Virat Kohli took only 99 innings to level the 'God of Cricket' record.
Furthermore, Virat Kohli surpassed Sachin Tendulkar in terms of dominance over Sri Lanka. To be precise, Virat Kohli has now the most centuries against Sri Lanka as compared to Sachin Tendulkar. While Sachin Tendulkar scored a total of 8 centuries against Sri Lanka in ODIs, Virat Kohli has now scored 9 centuries against the Islanders.
Here are some states you must know-
STAT: Most ODI 100s vs a team
9 Virat Kohli vs WI
9 Virat Kohli vs SL *
9 Sachin Tendulkar vs Aus
8 Rohit Sharma vs Aus
8 Virat Kohli vs Aus
8 Sachin Tendulkar vs SL
STAT: Most ODI 100s in a country
20 Virat Kohli in India (99 inngs) *
20 Sachin Tendulkar in India (160)
14 Hashim Amla in South Africa (69)
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14 Ricky Ponting in Australia (151)
Fans laud 'King Kohli'
After Kohli's 45th ODI Century, here's how fans reacted
A user wrote, "The century celebration was completely wholesome from Virat Kohli."
The century celebration was completely wholesome from Virat Kohli.
— Mufaddal Vohra (@mufaddal_vohra) January 10, 2023
"Back to back 💯s for Virat Kohli in ODI," wrote Irfan Pathan.
Back to back 💯s for Virat Kohli in ODI👏
— Irfan Pathan (@IrfanPathan) January 10, 2023
Virat Kohli's 45th ODI hundred Video
Back to back ODI hundreds for @imVkohli 👏👏
— BCCI (@BCCI) January 10, 2023
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