On 20th January, Monday, Punjab Chief Minister Shri Bhagwant Singh Mann announced the names of Aam Aadmi Party’s candidates for key positions in the Ludhiana Municipal Corporation.
As per the announcement, Inderjit Kaur of ward 13 has been nominated for the post of Mayor. Rakesh Parashar has got nominated for Senior Deputy Mayor position while Prince Johar has been nominated for the position of Deputy Mayor.
Punjab CM shared a post on his X account, announcing the names of the candidates. The post reads, “Aam Aadmi Party has nominated Inderjit Kaur for the post of Ludhiana Corporation Mayor, Rakesh Parashar for Senior Deputy Mayor and Prince Johar for Deputy Mayor. Best wishes in advance to these three candidates and councillors.”
Following this, Punjab CM extended his best wishes to all three candidates and the councilors. He emphasized on AAP’s commitment to strengthen the local governance and ensure a transparent administration in Ludhiana.
Who is Inderjit Kaur?
Inderjit Kaur of ward 13 has been associated with Aam Aadmi Party since 2022. She is the female district head of Aam Aadmi Party. Inderjit Kaur, who has been living in Ludhiana since the beginning, is close to Dr. Gurpreet Kaur, wife of Chief Minister Bhagwant Singh Mann.
Previously, she was a principal at a private school. Her husband is a businessman. She is from the East Assembly constituency and has a strong political and social experience. Principal Inderjit Kaur, is the councillor of ward no. 13 and is also working on the post of District Mahila Pradhan.
She is a social worker with academic qualifications including B. Com, MBA, and B.Ed. She also has the support of MLA Daljit Singh Grewal, who has put all his strength to make her the mayor. He had proposed her name for the post of Mayor.