Amidst the escalating attack of Russia upon Ukraine, an Indian Student named Naveen Shekhrappa tragically lost his life in a missile attack in Kharkiv. India's Ministry of External Affairs confirmed the demise of the Indian student in Ukraine on its Twitter handle. The Indian student killed has been identified as Naveen Shekhrappa, originally from the Haveri region of Karnataka. Naveen was a 4th-year student at Kharkiv National Medical University.
As per various reports, Naveen was killed when a Russian missile was fired upon Kharkiv Governor House/City Hall. The Indian student killed in Ukraine went outside to buy food amid the ongoing war in Ukraine. Now, CCTV footage is going viral on social media and it is claimed that Naveen was killed in this particular missile attack. As per reports, the CCTV footage shows a missile attack on Kharkiv Governor's House, and the Indian student was killed in this particular attack.
Watch CCTV footage in which Indian Student killed in Kharkiv
Following his death, India's Ministry of External Affairs spokesperson Arindam Bagchi said, "With profound sorrow we confirm that an Indian student lost his life in shelling in Kharkiv this morning. The Ministry is in touch with his family." Not only this, but PM Modi also had a conversation with Naveen's family in India. As per reports, Naveen's father has requested the Government of India to bring back his body to India.
India speeds up evacuation from Ukraine
Coming back to India's mission 'Operation Ganga', PM Modi on Tuesday directed the Indian Air Force to join the evacuation mission. Following that it was decided that the Indian Air Force send its cargo plane to evacuate stranded Indians in Ukraine in larger numbers. Not only this, but four ministers of the Modi cabinet have also flown to Ukrain border countries in order to ensure speedy and coordinated evacuation of Indians from war-torn nation Ukraine. The Ministers which have been sent to Ukraine's border countries are Jyotiraditya Scindia, Hardeep Puri, Kiren Rijiju, and Retd Gen VK Singh.