Kangana Ranaut's upcoming movie Emergency release was postponed on Friday amid her legal battle with CBFC over certification. Emergency was slated to be released in theaters on September 6, 2024. The announcement came after the Bombay High Court on Wednesday heard the petition filed by Zee Entertainment Enterprises seeking the release of actress Kangana Ranaut's film 'Emergency' and a censor certificate from the CBFC. During the hearing, the Bombay High Court refused to direct CBFC to grant the censor certificate which is mandatory for any movie's release in India. SGPC had written a letter to CBFC to halt the release of Emergency over the wrongful portrayal of the Sikh community. Recently, SGPC member Kiranjot Kaur participated in a debate on a news channel in which she called Jarnail Singh Bhindrawale was saint and Satwant Singh was not a terrorist.
However, what raised everyone's eyebrows was when SGPC member Kiranjot Kaur called the former Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi a terrorist. During a one-to-one debate, author Anand Ranganathan raised his voice over Kiranjot Kaur addressing Jarnail Singh Bhindrawale as a 'Saint'. On this Kiranjot Kaur said, "Yes, he was Saint Bhindrawale." On being asked whether Bhindrawale and Satwant Singh were terrorists or not, Kiranjot Kaur said, "I am not getting into this, the point is about Emergency and let us talk about Emergency.
On being further pressed on the question, Kiranjot Kaur said, "I am not scared to answer at all. No, he (Satwant Singh) was not a terrorist. Was Mrs. Gandhi not a terrorist for laying seize on Darbar Sahib?.. Let us not say things that you don't know about and let us stick to the topic of emergency."
For the unversed, Satwant Singh was one of the bodyguards, along with Beant Singh, who assassinated Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, at her New Delhi residence on 31 October 1984.