International Women’s Day 2022: For the first time, India has more Women than Men

This is the first time in our country after independence, when the number of women exceeded that of men.

International Womens Day, International Womens Day 2022, Happy Womens Day, Mare women than Men in India, National Family and Health Survey, NFHS, Trending News, Top News- True Scoop
8th March every year is celebrated as International women’s day, this day reminds all of us to take a pledge towards making the world gender-equal, free from stereotypes and discrimination, a world that is diverse, equitable, and inclusive where differences are celebrated.

This is the first time in our country after independence when the number of women exceeded that of men. According to National Family and Health Survey, there are 1,020 women per 1,000 men in the country. After independence, that is, in 1951, this figure was 946. And by 2015, this figure of women had reached only 991 compared to men. So on today's occasion, let us take a turn to account for the success of women.

“The improved sex ratio and sex ratio at birth is also a significant achievement; even though the real picture will emerge from the census, we can say for now looking at the results that our measures for women empowerment have steered us in the right direction,” said Vikas Sheel, additional secretary, Union ministry of health and family welfare and mission director, National Health Mission.

Women are moving ahead not only in numbers but also in studies and work, now women of the country are moving ahead not only in numbers but also in studies and work. The share of women in science and mathematics graduates is 43%. This number is much higher than the US 34%, UK 38%, Germany 27%.

Talking about work in the same way, out of 50 thousand startups registered in the country, 45% are women entrepreneurs. Women's start-ups generate 10% more revenue than men over a 5-year period and employ 3 times more women. These figures indicate the beginning of the era of women. 
