In a major development, the Income Tax Department on Tuesday conducted a raid at the residence of Pastor Ankur Narula and other locations linked to him allegedly after irregularities were found in cash transactions. For the unversed, Ankur Narula runs the biggest Pentecostal church at Khambra village on Nakodar road and on Tuesday, IT raids were held at 10 to 15 locations linked with the church, including in Phillaur, Kapurthala, and Chandigarh. As of now, the IT raid at Ankur Narula's house is undergoing and the officials have not divulged much information about the case. However, as per sources, the IT raids at Ankur Narula's house and other locations can continue for two to three days. Sources further suggest that the IT team took the help of Paramilitary forces. The Paramilitary forces had left Delhi at 8 pm yesterday and reached Jalandhar on Monday at 5 am and at around 6 am the IT Team conducted a raid at Pastor Ankur Narula's home.
As per reports, the IT team is currently inside Narula's home and nobody is allowed to leave the house till the raid completes. Initial information suggests that the Income Tax Department has caught some wrong entries (irregularities) regarding the transaction of money. Furthermore, it is stated that the IT department has also flagged irregular transactions from Abroad. For the unversed, this is not the first the IT Team is raiding Pastor Ankur Narula's place. A few months back, the IT Team raided and handed him over a questionnaire. During that time it was revealed that Ankur was investing in the making of a church in Switzerland and therefore he was sending money abroad from India.
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