In a major development, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) on Wednesday bolstered its strength in the 'ward test' after one more councillor joined the party. Satya Rani, who won from Ward Number 17 of Jalandhar Cantt on the BJP's ticket, left the party and joined AAP, making a safe way for the party's Mayor candidate. With ward number 17 councillor Satya Rani joining the AAP, the party's tally has reached 45. Satya Rani joining AAP will give a cushion to the party in case any cross-voting will take place during the Mayor's election.
Satya Rani joined the Aam Aadmi Party in the presence of Local Body Minister Dr. Ravjot, Jalandhar West MLA Mohinder Bhagat, and Ward Number 62 winner Vaneet Dhir.
The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) emerged out to be the single largest party after the Jalandhar MC Elections 2024 Results were announced. AAP secured 38 out of 85 wards but it missed the majority mark of 43. However, after a few days, many winning councillors from different parties joined AAP pushing the party to a majority mark which is essential for the Mayor's post.
Notably, sources suggest that AAP may declare the name of the Mayor candidate today as the party is now enjoying a comfortable lead in terms number of winning ward members in the Jalandhar Municipal Corporation.