As the New Year approaches, Jalandhar Police Commissioner Swapan Sharma, IPS, has issued a list of advisories and restrictions to ensure public safety during celebrations. These measures include banning car entry in specific areas and tightening security across the city.
Additionally, in Jalandhar, preparations are going on in almost all the temples and gurdwaras and more than 100 restaurants in the city in order to celebrate the New Year. The Commissionerate Police has given permission to open the restaurant till 12 o'clock in the night. The program will continue till 12 am in temples and gurdwaras as well.
More than 800 personnel have been deployed for the security of the city. A total of more than 50 checkpoints have been set up by the Jalandhar police. Some of the most prominent locations such as PPR market, Model Town, Haveli, Curio Mall and Adarsh Nagar have more police attention.
Key Restrictions Announced:
1. No Vehicle Entry in PPR Market:
To prevent overcrowding and maintain public order, car entry into PPR Market will be prohibited at night during New Year’s Eve.
2. Drunk Driving Checkpoints:
Special checkpoints have been set up to monitor and penalize drunk driving. Residents are urged to avoid driving under the influence to ensure road safety.
3. Underage Driving Prohibited:
The police have appealed to parents not to allow underage children to drive. Strict action will be taken against violators.
4. Licensed Firearms Ban:
Carrying licensed revolvers or firearms to parties is strictly prohibited. Anyone caught violating this rule will face legal action.