The festival season has started in India and the people have started preparing for celebrations, the police have also become more alert to prevent any kind of menace that can take place in the state. News has surged up from Jalandhar’ Chunmun Mall where a raid was conducted exposing an illegal hookah bar. The raid was conducted by police on Thursday night.
Reportedly, the police received information of illegal hookah being run at the basement of the famous Chunmun Mall at the George Irish Pub. After confirming the information, the police reached to spot and carried out a raid. In total of 11 hookahs have been recovered along with youths who have been intoxicated. No information on the same has been revealed by the officials. It is being said that this illegal bar was running for quite some time and many young girls as well as boys used to visit it to smoke hookah.
A case against the restaurant for illegally running a hookah bar has been filed in division number 6 police station under in charge Sukhdev Singh. According to the sources, the manager of the bar named Shankar was also arrested last night.
This is for the second time that such a case has been tackled by the police officials in Jalandhar city. Earlier Rocky Food Corner of Urban Estate Phase 2 was also raided during which 22 youths were arrested for illegally smoking hookah. The bar owner was not arrested as he fled from the spot after getting to know about the raid.