Jalandhar MP Sushil Rinku denied a seat at Vande Bharat inauguration event in Amritsar, caught arguing with officials on video

A video is going viral wherein the Lok Sabha MP Sushil Rinku was seen talking with the officials regarding the matter

Punjab, Trending, Lok Sabha MP, Sushil Kumar Rinku, AAP, Vande Bharat inauguration, Vande Bharat Amritsar-Delhi, VB Amritsar, Vande Bharat, Amritsar, Vande Bharat inauguration amritsar- True Scoop

Lok Sabha member Sushil Rinku was not given a seat at the Vande Bharat inauguration function in Amritsar. Sushil Rinku is a Lok Sabha member of AAP government from Jalandhar. A video is going viral wherein the Lok Sabha MP was caught arguing with the officials regarding the matter. One of the officials was seen with folded hands asking for the MP's forgiveness. Rinku can be seen sitting in a cheap uncomfortable plastic chair. This comes after the fact that Sushil Rinky personally asked for a halt in Jalandhar from Minister of Railways Ashwini Vaishnaw. It bore fruit as the VB express now has a stop in Jalandhar as well as Phagwara, Beas and Ludhiana.


Sushil Rinku was seen arguing with the officials. The officials folded their hands and apologized to him. He reportedly argued with the officials and was seen standing at a side ruclusively at the event. Sushil Rinku was seen sitting in public after an argument with the officers.


Jalandhar MP Sushil Kumar Rinku can be held responsible for the Vande Bharat Stoppage at Jalandhar. The MP addressed the minister of railways Ashwini Vaishnaw directly in a letter, asking him for a halt in the city. The stoppage was requested after vehement public outcry when the Amritsar Delhi VB express was announced but Jalandhar was not in the originally planned route. His effforts were vital in the Vande Bharat stoppage at Jalandhar. The VB has stops in Beas, Phagwara, Jalandhar and Ludhiana.  
