In an absolute shocker, sacrilege was reported from Jalandhar’s Model Town Gurudwara. The incident took place on 21st January 2023 in Singh Sabha Gurudwara of Model Town. The supporters of Waris Punjab arrived at the Gurudwara and raised questions on the management committee for not keeping a check on how the Gutka Sahib and pictures of Guru Sahib Ji were being disrespected.
Reportedly, the Waris Punjab supporters arrived in Model Town’s Gurudwara today and alleged the construction laborers of desecrating the things related to their God. They stated that all the workers are consuming tobacco, alcohol, cigarette, etc inside the Gurudwara which is a matter of disrespect. The supporters raised questions at the Gurdwara Management Committee for not warning or stopping the laborers from doing this.
Regarding the incident in Gurdwara Model Town, the supporters of Waris Punjab along with the Gurdwara Committee have agreed upon certain conditions. Reportedly, now the items like tobacco, alcohol, cigarette, etc will not be allowed inside the Guru Ghar in the future and that renovation work would be carried out by local laborers instead of migrants.
As per information, no complaint has been given to the police in this case.
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Waris Punjab De supporters allege migrant workers of disrespecting Gutka Sahib, Watch Video#video #punjab #truescoop #truescoopnews #sacrilege #jalandhar
— True Scoop (@TrueScoopNews) January 21, 2023