Amidst the speculations that Bollywood actor Kartik Aryan and actress Janhvi Kapoor of dating each other, a huge development has come. According to various media reports, Janhvi Kapoor and Kartik have unfollowed each other on social media. Prior to this, Bollywood actress Sara Ali Khan had unfollowed Karthik on Instagram and the actor also did not publically wish the actress. When Sara and Kartik were doing Love Aaj Kal 2, they were rumored to be dating.
However, soon Sara and Kartik stopped getting spotted. Kartik got busy in Dostana 2 in which he is working with Bollywood actress Janhvi Kapoor. Both Kartik and Janhvi started getting spotted together and in fact, they also attended Manish Malhotra’s New Year celebrations at his house. The duo were also clicked enjoying their holiday in Goa.
Rumors are high that something went wrong on the sets of Dostana 2 and therefore they both have blocked each other on the social media platform. Reports also state that the makers of Dostana 2 are worried that their fight might affect the outcome of the movie.