Japanese Man sleeps only 30 minutes a day, claims it is improving work efficiency

Hori says that this practice has significantly improved his work efficiency. Mr. Daisuke Hori stated that, "As long as you exercise or drink coffee an hour before eating, you can stave off drowsiness."

Japanese Man sleeps 30 minutes a day, Daisuke Hori, Man sleeping 30 minutes only from past 12 years, Minimal sleeping man Daisuke Hori, USA, Trending- True Scoop

A man named Daisuke Hori from Japan has maintained a sleep schedule of just 30 minutes for a day. From past 12 years Mr. Daisuke Hori is sleeping only for 30 minutes a day. He believes that this will double his life span. This 40-year-old man Daisuke Hori is living in Hyogo Prefecture in western Japan, Daisuke Hori claims that his body and brain are well trained to function normally despite having a minimal sleep of 30 minutes for a day.

On an average, 6 to 8 hours’ sleep daily is important for human body for optimal health. Even experts agree that a proper sleep of 6 to 8 hours’ daily can enhance mood, cognitive functions and overall health of Human Being. A lack of sufficient sleep can have negative impact on your mood and can hinder your daily functioning activities.

Mr. Daisuke Hori says that this practice has significantly improved his work efficiency. Mr. Daisuke Hori stated that, "As long as you exercise or drink coffee an hour before eating, you can stave off drowsiness." Mr. Daisuke Hori is an entrepreneur. Mr. Hori believes that high quality sleep is more important than the long sleep when it comes to maintaining focus.

To examine Mr Daisuke Hori’s claim Japan’s Yomiuri TV followed him closely for three days on a reality show titled “Will You Go with Me?” the show highlighted the instance where Mr. Daisuke Hori slept for just 26 minutes and still woke up completely energetic and then he had his breakfast, then he went to work and he even went to the gym.

Mr. Daisuke Hori has founded the Japan Short Sleepers Training Association in 2016. In this training centre, he gives lessons on Sleep and Health. Till date, Daisuke Hori has trained over 2100 students to become minimal sleepers.
