After Ananta Ambani-Radhika Merchant's wedding that made global headlines, it is not time for Gautam Adani's youngest son Jeet Adani's marriage. Just like The Ambanis, Gautam Adani has reportedly planned a big fat wedding for his son Jeet Adani. The Internet has been buzzing with rumors that the wedding of Gautam Adani's youngest son is going to be the most expensive and most luxurious. According to reports, Gautam Adani's younger son Jeet Adani got engaged to Diva Jaimin Shah in an intimate ceremony in Ahmedabad, Gujarat on March 12, 2023. However, only one picture of this ceremony has surfaced on social media. At the same time, now almost two years after the engagement, discussions about Jeet Adani's wedding have started.
Who is Jeet Adani's wife-to-be Diva Jaimin Shah?
Gautam Adani's future daughter-in-law, Diva Jaimin Shah reportedly comes from one of India's wealthiest families. India TV reports that Diva Jaimin Shah is the daughter Jaimin Shah who is a prominent diamond trader and owner of C. Dinesh and Co. Private Limited. C. Dinesh and Co. Private Limited is a diamond manufacturing firm established in 1976. Based in Surat and Mumbai, the company is a significant player in the diamond industry.
Talking about Gautam Adani's younger son, Jeet is one of India’s promising young entrepreneurs. Currently serving as the Vice President of Group Finance, Jeet oversees critical functions like capital markets, risk and governance policy, and strategic finance within the Adani Group. His journey began in the office of the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Group Finance, and he has steadily climbed the ranks through hard work and dedication.
Talking about Jeet Adani's educational qualification, he is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Jeet is also passionate about aviation and is trained to fly airplanes.
Jeet Adani Wedding
As per reports, Jeet Adani's wedding will be at par with Anant Ambani's wedding. Chefs of 58 countries will take care of the taste and flavour of the guests coming from India and abroad in the wedding of Gautam Adani's younger son Jeet Adani.
Talking about celebrities' performance in Jeet Adani's marriage, there are rumors that it will attended by Hollywood singer & rapper Travis Scott. Travis Scott is likely to perform at Jeet Adani's wedding. Reports further suggest that Yo Yo Honey Singh will also perform at the wedding
However, what has caught everyone's attention is Taylor Swift's name in Jeet Adani's wedding. Taylor Swift has been approached to perform during the pre-wedding festivities of businessman Gautam Adani’s son, Jeet Adani.
News18 quoted an insider who informed, "Yes, this is true. Taylor Swift’s team is in talks with the Adanis to perform at one of the pre-wedding festivities of Jeet Adani and Diva Shah. Even though Taylor has not confirmed her presence as of now, talks are underway, and looks like the grand wedding will mark her first performance in India."
Jeet Adani's wedding date has not been revealed as of now.