Kanye West Venice Pics: Italian Police start probe against Rapper & Bianca Censori over indecent exposure

Kanye and Bianca are under investigation as Venice police have identified the driver of the boat and plan to question him about what he saw.

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It seems like American rapper & singer Kanye West and his wife Bianca Censori might face severe legal action after their 'indecent exposure' video and pictures in the famous Venice Canals went viral on social media. For those who are unaware, last week, Kanye West was filmed with his pants down partially on a river taxi with his wife's head resting in his lap. Apart from Kanye and his wife, there was a third person on board apart from the boat driver. Notably, tourists nearby filmed the rapper, and therefore, Kanye West Venice pics went viral on social media with netizens opining that the celebrity couple should have respected the country's rules & regulations. After Kanye West Venice video went viral on social media, the rapper and his wife Bianca Censori were banned for life by the Venetian boat company named Venezia Turismo Motoscafi. Now, Kanye West and Bianca Censori may face charges against themselves in Venice.

As per reports, Kanye and Bianca are under investigation as Venice police have identified the driver of the boat and plan to question him about what he saw. A Venice Police source was quoted by a media portal saying, "There are standards of public decorum that have to be followed by tourists and locals alike and any breaches are severely punished...The images of West with his trousers down while in a taxi as he and his partner crossed the lagoon were seen all over the globe."

The Police source further informed, "You could clearly see his trousers were half down and we have received complaints from people who witnessed it. Now we have identified the driver of the boat and we will be asking him what he saw as well...The images show the couple clearly in a state of intimacy and if the local prosecutor decides to press charges then we will notify the couple, most probably through the relevant Embassies...The offense being investigated is acts contrary to public decency which is punishable by an administrative sanction."

It is pertinent to mention here that the Italian authorities have also asked the photographer to hand over Kanye West-Bianca Censori Venice viral photos so that it can help in their ongoing investigation.

Also Read: Kanye West Italy Video: Rapper & his wife Bianca Censori banned for life from Venice boat company after indecent exposure

What did the Boating company say about Kanye West's ban?

Venezia Turismo Motoscafi in their statement said that their employees were “completely unaware” that the Grammy winner had dropped his pants on board until the photos went public last week. “The driver had to keep a lookout for traffic and did not see these obscenities..If this had happened, he would have immediately disembarked and reported the transgressors to those in authority,” said the Vessel company.
